Friday, June 17, 2011

How to Define – What is Stress, Causes of Stress and Effects of Stress

Stress is the way which respond you when your mind feel pressure and something going to wrong with you. If you ask people to define stress, causes of stress and what are the affects on them, you get different views. If you are stressed and feel energetic, it is due to physical pressure and danger. But it may be good thing for you. But if you are stressed due to emotional pressure, it is bad thing and your body release chemicals into blood and it decrease your energy. Now the issue that how stress affect people and what are the causes and solutions to get rid of Stress.

Causes of Stress:
So many causes of stress like fear, uncertainty, pressure, ect. Following are the main causes of stress:

  • Health Issues
  • Sexual harassment
  • Financial Problems
  • Family Issues
  • Responsibilities of family and job
  • Examination pressure
  • Relationship Issues
  • Lack of skills and training
  • Timing Problems

Effects of Stress :
  • Effects on Hair – excessive Hair loss
  • Effects on Brain – Headaches, anxiety, Dpression
  • Effects on Muscles – Muscle Pain, ache, Back Pain, chest pain
  • Effects on Stomach - Stomach upset, gastritis problems
  • Some other effects like – Sleeping problem, feeling lazy, etc.

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