Monday, April 9, 2012

Minimize Watching the Idiot Box, Start Reading, and Increase Your IQ

The TV, whether an LCD or plasma, was nicknamed ‘the Idiot Box’ for a very valid reason—this gadget tends to numb our sensibilities. Some people might argue that TV viewing can be rather enriching if the right channels are chosen. However, when watching TV, the human mind is pushed into a state of vegetation. Largely, its effect is entertaining and there might be short instances when it can stimulate our mind but overall, watching TV isn't the recommended way of unwinding if you want to increase your IQ.

A much better medium is books, whether read physically or on the Kindle. This is because reading a book makes our mind to create mental images, decipher the plot and tests our vocabulary. This is a far more wholesome exercise for the mind.

Read more about : Increase your IQ

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