
Causes Of Asthma
Allergies: Many ways to enter allergens in human body like
fever, food, drink, pets (cats, and dogs) dust mites, cockroaches, molds, medicines,
pollen and fungi. Allergic reactions caused by antibiotic in the blood often
lead to the airway infection which is the main factor of asthma.
Smoking: Tobacco smoking creates higher risk for death due
to asthma, breathing problems, chest pain and coughing. Cigarette contains so
many chemicals that can infect our lungs and increase the chances asthma. Babies
also infected by these chemicals, whose mothers smoked during pregnancy. So if
you smoke, Please keep away your children from any level of the smoke. Every person
should know that tobacco smoke risk can trigger an asthma attack in your child.
Stress: Stress increase asthma rate higher. Emotional stress
is also changes heart bit rates and breathing patterns. In many cases smoking
is also encouraged by stress which can trigger asthma. However, recent research
has suggested that the immune system is modified by stress as well. There is
rapid, shallow breathing causing constriction of airways and this consequently leads
to an asthmatic attack.
Obesity: People with Overweight have more chances of asthma
attack as compared to people who are not overweight. So make your body fit by
Yoga and Exercises and control your diet if you are overweight.
Respiratory infections: Respiratory infections like Viral and
bacterial can trigger asthma attack. These are common fever, cold and flu
infections. These are play very important role of asthma attack in children.
Pregnancy: Mothers Smoking during pregnancy increase chances
of asthma risks. Their children have lowered pulmonary function. Caesarean section
also increases asthma risk in babies. During Cesarean case, bacterial
infections exposed.
There are so many other factors also responsible for asthma
attack. We should try to aware these factors and save yourself and your
children from asthma infection.
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