Honey is a substitute of sugar and it is a natural sweetener containing vitamins, proteins, minerals and other nutrients. Honey is helpful for us to stay healthy and prevent from so many diseases like cancer, heart disease, overweight etc.
How honey bees make honey?
1000 or more honey bees travel flower to flower to collect lots of nectar to make one pound of honey. After gathering nectar, the honey bee mixes it with enzymes in stomach and then start regurgitation (to pass mixture from one bee to another bee’s mouth). Nectar becomes partially digested by repeating this process and then put it into a honeycomb. Most popular types of honey are: Alfalfa, Blueberry, Buckwheat, Clover, Manuka, Orange Blossom, and Wildflower.
Vitamins Protein Minerals and Nutrients in Honey
Nowdays overweight is the most common problem for most of people in all over the world. There are so many ways to stay healthy and reduce fat by changing our daily routine with some exercises and healthy food. Start your day with honey is the best way to lose weight. Take honey with warm water, lemon or cinnamon in empty stomach at the morning. Honey has the ability to reduce risk factor of cardiovascular disorders as well as reduces belly fat. Including honey in your daily diet will ban to increase your body weight and decrease cholesterol level. It boosts energy level to do daily activity with fresh mind. It removes the problem of obesity.
Honey Recopies to Lose Weight
Honey Cautions for us:
Honey is also sugar so do not eat as full bowl. We should take as make us healthy and maintain our weight. It contains high caloric value and will put you on a sugar high and low.
More Suggestions and Cautions Here: Real Food For Life
Honey is a substitute of sugar and it is a natural sweetener containing vitamins, proteins, minerals and other nutrients. Honey is helpful for us to stay healthy and prevent from so many diseases like cancer, heart disease, overweight etc.
How honey bees make honey?
1000 or more honey bees travel flower to flower to collect lots of nectar to make one pound of honey. After gathering nectar, the honey bee mixes it with enzymes in stomach and then start regurgitation (to pass mixture from one bee to another bee’s mouth). Nectar becomes partially digested by repeating this process and then put it into a honeycomb. Most popular types of honey are: Alfalfa, Blueberry, Buckwheat, Clover, Manuka, Orange Blossom, and Wildflower.
Vitamins Protein Minerals and Nutrients in Honey
- Riboflavin
- Niacin
- Vitamin b6
- Vitamin c
- Thiamine
- Pantothenic acid
- Carbohydrate
- Calories
- Dietary Fiber
- Sodium
- Manganese
- Copper
- Iron
- Calcium
- Magnesium,
- Potassium,
- Phosphorus,
- Sodium,
- Zinc

Honey Recopies to Lose Weight
- Honey with warm water: Research says that take one tea spoon honey with warm water on daily basis can burn fat easily. Take it in the morning and start your day with extra energy. Daily in the morning take one tea spoon honey and mix with one cup of warm water. After mixing drinks it sip by sip and see the effect in few days, how you lose weight and stay healthy. It is not a big task, so start it from today!
- Honey with lemon and warm water: Start your day with honey, warm water and lemon juice. Put a tea spoon honey and a lemon juice in the warm water. Mix it properly and drink sip by sip to take health benefits. Honey with lemon juice and warm water helps in burn body fat and provides energy to do daily activity. Honey contains nutrients, vitamins and minerals and amino acid to maintain body metabolism. By taking honey with warm water and lemon juice our digestion system works properly and body fat is transformed in energy. It is really improve our overall health.
- Honey with cinnamon and warm water: It is one more effective recipe to burn body fat. Cinnamon with honey and warm water helps us to lose weight. The combination of cinnamon and honey with warm water gives us batter health benefits with weight loss. Take a cup of warm water, one table spoon honey and one table spoon cinnamon. Mix all ingredients properly and take it empty stomach in the morning. It regulates blood sugar level and maintain metabolism. It starts burn fat stored in the body if your take honey with cinnamon and warm water on daily basis.

- Beautiful skin remedy: Honey has anti-bacterial qualities that are useful for our skin. We can use honey with other ingredients to make charming and healthy skin.
- Reduce body fat: Take honey before going to bed and early morning. It helps to lose weight. Replace all refined sugar with honey to burn your body fat.
- Improve digestion system: Honey helps to improve your digestion and reducing weight in your digestive system. We should take honey after heavy dinner or large meal.
- Help to boost energy: Honey helps to boost energy for long time. Good for diabetics instead of table sugar: It is healthier as well as sugar substitute for diabetics.
- Substitute of sugar: Honey can be used in different beverages like desserts, pancakes instead of sugar.
- Reduce risk of allergies: Honey contains pollen spores that make our immune system strong. Takes one tea spoon honey on daily basis can remove allergies.
- Reduce risk of cancers and heart disease: Honey is a good source of flavonoids, antioxidants which help us to prevent from cancers and heart disease risks.
- Reduce throat infections: Buck wheat honey helps to reduce throat infections. A single dose of honey is very effective for children to reliving from throat infection and cough.
Honey Cautions for us:
Honey is also sugar so do not eat as full bowl. We should take as make us healthy and maintain our weight. It contains high caloric value and will put you on a sugar high and low.
More Suggestions and Cautions Here: Real Food For Life
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