Monday, May 9, 2011

Headache or Migraine Problem - How to Define?

There are so many types of headache but symptoms are different for underlying condition. Most people suffering from headache problem but they consider it as normal problem. There are so many health related problems are linked with it. There may be so many reasons of headache. Migraine attack may be one of them.
Migraine headache is very dangerous for health and cause of this problem is enlargement of blood vessels in the head. Your brain nerve fiber release the chemical when blood vessels are enlarged. But it result is headache, redness and swelling on face. In this pain, sometimes painkiller doesn't effect and making the headache worse.

Past studies shows that mostly obese people suffering from this headache than the people have normal weight. Obesity is the main reason to increase the amount of cytokines chemicals that is the main part of swelling and redness during headache due to migraine attack. Because of regular headache problem obese do not work properly.

Headache may be the result of stress or so many personal problems but during headache we should try to getting rest lot of time. To avoid stress, headache and other like these problems, we should do daily some physical exercise, yoga, and take enough nutrition in your diet.

1 comment:

praful777 said...

You have done an excellent job here by providing better knowledge about the normal headache and the headache in the migraine is concerned.So the Great post this is an!Thanks........

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