Friday, December 10, 2010

Acne Information and Treatment

Acne is the most common problem nowadays and you will be surprised to know that its main causes are still unknown. If you will consult the dermatologists then he will tell you that there is not any one cause that can be determined for everyone. We know how acne develops, but there are many factors that can cause this development to take place.

In teens the main cause is the change in hormones that affect the sebaceous glands. But what is it that causes some teens to have severe acne while others have very mild, occasional acne and others have clear skin? Like many health problems, the specific causes of acne are multifaceted and can be different for each person.

Experts say acne may be heredity. If you had acne as a teen, your child may also be susceptible. Diet, hormonal imbalance, or nervous system disorders can cause a person to be acne-prone. Premenstrual acne starts a few days before each period, when progesterone hormones are highest.

Clinical studies confirm that medication may also cause acne. Medications that can cause acne include dilantin, lithium, isoniazid, iodine, steroids, and some birth control pills. In severe cases, candida-yeast overgrowth, toxic bowel, liver dysfunction and thyroid, gonadal or adrenal disorders should be looked into.

If you and your family members are getting suffered with acne then don’t worry. There are enough options available that can cure your acne problem completely. You just need to select the best suitable option. In this article you will read about several acne treatments that will help you to select the best way to cope with the problem.

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Benzoyl Peroxide: You can use benzoyl peroxide to cure or prevent acne. Benzoyl peroxide reduces P. acnes bacteria on skin and is a peeling agent. It is easily available over-the-counter in creams, lotions or gels. It works well for mild cases but you should ask doctor whether to use it or not. Benzoyl peroxide is bleach it may bleach clothing and can be irritating. It generates free radicals, which could theoretically increase skin cancer later in life. Side effects include irritation, drying, itching, redness, and peeling.

Topical Antibiotics: Topical antibiotics are available by prescription only and applied to the skin in creams, gels, pads or lotions. Topical antibiotics are limited in penetrating the skin.

Despite these methods you can go for laser treatment and surgeries that can solve your problem. Before going for anything you should consult surgeon for better result.

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